Tagged: bitcoin

Kontan: NEM Blockchain for Industry

Empowering through NEM Blockchain One of the ambitions of Indonesian President Joko Widodo is to encourage a cashless society, one way to do it is to increase the rate of ecosystem technology like fintech....

NEM Philippines goes to Far Eastern University

 On October 7th 2017, NEM Philippines went to Far Eastern University Makati which is one of the biggest and popular universities in the Philippines to propagate the knowledge and the potential of Bitcoin, Blockchain...

NEM makes a move in Dubai

First appeared on medium Oct. 17, 2017;  one week before the World Blockchain Summit in Dubai, NEM-UAE team had conducted its first official NEM talk in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It was held at...

First NEM Meetup in Warsaw organized by Wicked

On the 25th of September Poland had the honour of hosting the President of the NEM Foundation – Lon Wong. His discussion with Enrique Melero (Ex-COO of HSBC Private Bank) was a key point...

First NEM Meetup in London

by Ash The 14th of September saw the first London Meet Up for the NEM platform and, with the attendance of NEM foundation Vice President Jeff McDonald having attracted over 50 attendees and an...

First NEM Filipino Meetup in Manila

First Filipino Meetup The first NEM Filipino Meetup was held on Saturday, July 8 from 12pm to 5pm and was a great success in creating a broader awareness about Blockchain & NEM. Important topics...