Monthly Archive: September 2017

NEM Foundation in Cyberview Living Lab Accelerator

First appeared on medium This visit was part of the 1st Foundation Leadership & Strategy Summit held between 21–25 August 2017. Cyberview is an arm under the Malaysian Government’s Ministry of Finance with...

Bankera Raises $29.6 Million in Pre-ICO Round

Bankera ICO raised 29.6 Million USD in their Pre-ICO round. Follow the link to watch the video with Digitalx CEO Leigh Travers who discusses crypto currencies and company’s roles in Bankera’s pre-ICO round. He...

NEM visits the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation

First appeared on medium This visit was part of the 1st Foundation Leadership & Strategy Summit held between 21–25 August 2017. The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) is the lead agency in driving...

1st NEM meet up in Thailand

First appeared on Medium Foundation had the first NEM meet up in Thailand with none other than the President himself, Lon Wong with Stephen Chia, Regional Head of South East Asia. There were...

TEDx Talk with LuxTag in Malaysia

10th of September 2017 Jeff McDonald, Vice President of the NEM Foundation, and Rene B., CEO of LuxTag, gave a TEDx Talk speech at the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in Seri Iskandar, located in...

Twenty months of Catapult development in 140 seconds

Catapult Twenty months of catapult development, visualized in a mere 140 seconds of this video. Enjoy! Link to Catapult Whitepaper: