1st NEM meet up in Thailand
First appeared on Medium
NEM.io Foundation had the first NEM meet up in Thailand with none other than the President himself, Lon Wong with Stephen Chia, Regional Head of South East Asia.

Lon (right) together with Stephen Chia (left)
There were about 30–40 people in attendance, about half are investors, half are entrepreneurs/developers including a few Malaysians who flew in to Bangkok for the event.

Also present was the CEO of Xarcade, Otto van Nostitz together with a few from the NEM Malaysia team
One of the organisers for Thailand meetup group Robert, mentioned, “We had a great meetup, with a well informed audience asking lots of interesting questions. The presentations by Lon and Stephen were wide ranging and very informative on a lot of topics including everything from private and public blockchains to discussion of maximum theoretical transactions per second. After the presentations there was a lot of discussions especially about promoting NEM in Thailand. A blockchain center in Thailand was also discussed.”
Key message from Lon Wong:
Focus on the technology & its applications, the value of the coin will take care of itself.
There are some good questions being raised e.g. what are competing technologies to NEM? An example being cited is IOTA. Stephen mentioned that every cryptocurrency may have its strengths and disadvantages. NEM pushing ahead with its own strengths and finding/implementing applications.
Lon also added that people need to be realistic about the limitations on transactions per second (TPS), and how centralization would be needed to achieve extremely high numbers. Examples also being shared about financial vs non-financial uses.
In summary, it was a good start to the 1st NEM Thailand meetup with more locally NEM events to come.
Find out more at the NEMmeetup platform: https://www.meetup.com/pro/nem-foundation/
NEM Bangkok’s meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/NEM-Bangkok/
NEM Thailand telegram group: https://t.me/nemthai
Join as a NEMber: www.bit.ly/NEMbershipApplication