Category: Luxtag

LuxTag Attends Blockchain Solutions Asia 2018

LuxTag’s team attended the Blockchain Solutions Asia on the 27–29th of September at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. The event (BSA2018) was set to provide the answers for organizations to better understand the impact...

Union of Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT)

Both Blockchain and IoT are among the most significant technology trends in the world nowadays. They are being constantly researched for multiple implementations across varying business industries. For someone who has just discovered these...

LuxTag – Origins 2018

We are proud to announce the release of our new corporate video, LuxTag – Origins. The video tells the story of the LuxTag – Origins, a story of commitment, innovation, and passion. When Rene...

Marriage of art and blockchain

Art and Blockchain Blockchain might be the new kid on the block but it’s coming of age.  There are local businesses who are using it in innovative ways.  Malaysian interdisciplinary artist and humanitarian, Poesy...

LuxTag skips ICO, strives for blockchain use cases

LuxTag’s co founders: Jeff McDonald, Rene Bernard and Faeez Noor. In efforts to service real use cases for blockchain technology, one company in Southeast Asia is making some notable inroads. Little known LuxTag Sdn...

TEDx Talk with LuxTag in Malaysia

10th of September 2017 Jeff McDonald, Vice President of the NEM Foundation, and Rene B., CEO of LuxTag, gave a TEDx Talk speech at the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in Seri Iskandar, located in...

LuxTag powered by NEM talked at UUM University

Rene Bernard, CEO & Founder of, was invited to share insights about a blockchain introduction, the NEM blockchain technology platform and the application project LuxTag on 14th of May 2017. Universiti Utara Malaysia...

MIGHT: Malaysia-Spain Partnership event: Rene of speaks

First appeared on medium 25.May.2017, Putrajaya — Ministerio de Economia, Industria e Competitividad & Centro para el Desarollo Tecnologico Industrial, in cooperation with MiGHT Malasia and Planetic Spain organize the Malaysian / Spain knowledge transfer and...