Blockchaining video games to reach your maximum potential

[UPDATED] The Xarcade Discounted Sale Offer (DSO)  launched at 00:00 GMT,  January 1st, 2018. Xarcade is a cost-effective video game distribution platform powered by NEM Blockchain.

First appeared on Coinsessions

It was announced earlier last month that the Xarcade platform should be completed around January 2018 after the Discounted Sale Offer (DSO) is over for building the platform.

Read more about Xarcade here.

The DSO will run for 30 days and Xarcade’s XAR will start at a discount of 20%.

Likewise, there will be a surprise incentive given for those that directly deposit into a NEM account of which the account number will be announced on the day of the DSO.

The Xarcade Information Paper will be released soon as well.

To get the latest updates, please join the Xarcade Official Telegram channel.