Video: He3Labs Blockchain for Business Demo

In May 2018 at the Consensus NY show, He3Labs demonstrated an alpha version of its Threshold SaaS blockchain platform for business. It was the first application to demonstrate NEM’s version 2.0 Catapult blockchain technology – and was built in only a week.

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The blockchain for business demo featuring He3Labs CTO, Russell Harvey, shows how key NEM blockchain features like aggregate transactions and multisig relationships bring business benefits for everyday applications like financial transactions.

He3Labs used an early alpha version of the forthcoming enterprise-ready Threshold SaaS DLT software platform to create the API-driven application and business system interface that offers security, auditability, and transparency.

About He3Labs

Enter He3Labs, a nimble collective of elite blockchain experts. We listen to your vision and explore the potential of a viable blockchain solution for your business. Ramping quickly, we create a plan for success and divide the next steps into manageable pieces, uniting teams to dive deep into any and all areas where you need support: technical business analysis, software architecture and integration, token and economic evaluation, blockchain backend development, legal consideration, or funding consultation. The research and plans that come from these teams inform final architecture and development of your blockchain solution.

With the He3Labs team on your side, you can confidently make decisions, efficiently execute change, and powerfully shake the market with new competitive advantages.

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