IoDLT October Community Update
IoDLT October Update
Hi NEM Community, Bader from IoDLT here!
IoDLT has compiled an update that reflects the last month’s progress. We’re excited to share this update with the community. A lot of the core development and planning centering around our device, Axon, occurred during this time. Three months since the investment, the team is working hard to push our Catapult based solutions ASAP!
Tech Progress
This month, we introduced Axon, our core IoT product that will be used to power most of our solutions:
Axon’s logo and 3D mockup (logo is inspired by biological axons which are the primary transmission lines of the nervous system)
- We have made significant progress on our core technology that powers Axon, a Catapult-enabled, modular, programmable IoT device. We introduced Axon as part of our drone article. Axon can record data directly to Catapult, and the functionality for Axon to receive commands from Catapult (i.e “unlock this electric lock”) should be finished by the beginning of next month. Axon can be used for a wide range of applications, and it is critical for the deployment of our proposed medical solution.
- Axon has a core written in the Rust programming language that handles low-level memory management and serial communication. Our software also exposes a JavaScript / TypeScript interface, as NEM SDKs are most kept up to date in JS / TS.
- Axon creates a cryptographic ID for itself that is read-only for the device locally, and is never transmitted over any network connection. Using Catapult, an Axon device can either be owned through multisig or through metadata tagging.
- Axon is programmable with the Arduino IDE, a highly supported and easy to use microcontroller development environment. Axon has its own C++ Arduino SDK that allows us to develop a custom solution very quickly. Arduino support also means we can use any standard digital, analog, or serial-based sensor (or all at the same time) for our applications.
- We are working on Axon’s design and enclosure, and have a rudimentary 3D mockup for how the device will look visually. You can find this (crude) mockup here:
- As we have Axon in a functional state, we will focus on creating a finalized board and enclosure in the coming months.
Axon development board. This board we put together supports hot-swapping different components (MCU) for faster development times.
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A more compact version of the above development, except with the micro controller soldered on. The alpha version of Axon will be more compact and fit into a designated case. The picture on the right has a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor attached to Axon.
Our IoT nodes are being tweaked and developed, and while Axon takes shape, the needs for how the optimal IoT network are being made known.
- Due to some development delays of Catapult (catapult-rest and nem2-js-sdk), we were unable to fully test our IoT nodes. However, we have created a suitable network configuration that should, in theory, support a substantial number of devices recording to Catapult. We still have yet to actually test this, and with Catapult being very advanced as of this update, will become a priority to test and fine-tune the configuration.
- Our IoT nodes are moving to a more sustainable SSD setup and battery UPS backup solution.
Pilot Progress
- Development of Axon is laying a solid foundation for use in Medical clinic settings. Axon should be able to utilize medical grade sensors.
Articles / PR
- Releasing our ATM Skimming article, we introduced the concept of an IoT Skin. This was published on Hackernoon, and is pending publication on IoT For All. Within, we detailed an end-to-end solution that uses Catapult to secure the ATM machine from skimmers.
- Released our drone delivery article, where we introduced Axon. This is currently pending publication on IoT For All. As with previous articles, we detailed an end-to-end solution that uses most features of Catapult, such as mosaic restrictions, mosaics, aggregate transactions, and multisignature.
- We are working on revamping our website to make our company vision more apparent and have clear product offerings.
- Note: While most of the feedback on our articles is positive and enthusiastic, some may perceive the diversity of topics discussed in articles as a distraction or lack of focus. We want to reiterate our goals for writing these articles:
- Spread awareness of NEM Catapult’s versatility as a DLT/Blockchain technology.
- Establish ourselves as an authority in an increasingly relevant niche combining IoT and DLT.
- Demonstrate the versatility of our core product so far, Axon.
- Providing real world business use cases utilizing IoT and NEM Catapult.
- Crafting these articles motivates us to learn about the latest trends in our niche, and gain insight into the direction that the industry is heading.
- These articles generate PR for our company.
We are in talks with companies that wish to integrate our solutions.
We are very grateful for the community and NEM Ventures’ support in bringing this project to fruition. We are working long and hard to build a legitimate, real use case for NEM and Catapult.
Put any questions or feedback you may have below, we look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you for your time,
IoDLT Team