A Current Affair — nem.education

ACA — Wooranna Park Primary School – First appeared on Medium
A Current Affair (Channel 9) visited Wooranna Park Primary School to explore the use of smartphones in schools. The tech ninjas articulated the positive aspects of learning with smartphones, which included coding, film-making, nem.education, P2P networks and cryptocurrencies!

Kieran Nolan — Educational Technologist, Wooranna Park Primary School
RocketShoes.io (built on the NEM blockchain) was one of the main points of interest, as Wooranna Park Primary School is the first school in the world to use the “smartphone first” DApp. RocketShoes is an educational platform geared for a learner centric approach, and providing powerful tools to manage content in a decentralised way. For learners this means that they will be able to produce and keep track of their own learning materials, including assignments, notes, and digital assets. For organisations and institutions it means that very large amounts of content can be managed in a way that is not possible with legacy systems.

Jason Lee Expansion Director for NEM Australia and New Zealand, Expansion Director for NEM Australia and New Zealand
Jason Lee, Expansion Director for NEM Australia and New Zealand, Expansion Director for NEM Australia and New Zealand said, “Wooranna Park Primary School is arguably one of the most innovative schools in Australia and this is because of the good work by education technologist and teacher Kieran Nolan with the support of the school principal, Ray Trotter and the school’s leadership.”
“We are glad to have Kieran as a NEM ANZ Ambassador and NEM will continue to work on developing support and education on the NEM blockchain for school students”.